Jeff Bailey Gallery opened in March 2003 in Chelsea's gallery district. The
gallery strives to inspire visitors with eclectic exhibitions that foster
connoisseurship. Various exhibitions have been reviewed in artforum.com,
Flash Art and The New York Times. At The Stray Show, works by Louise
Belcourt, Sarah Brenneman, David McMurray, Amy Pleasant, Julian Pozzi,
Julia Randall and others will be on view.
Jeff Bailey
tel. # at Stray: 917.612.7275
511 W 25TH ST / NO. 808
NY, NY 10001
tel. 212.989.0156
fax 212.989.0214

Julia Randall
"Lovebird 4", 2004
colored pencil on paper
22" x 30"

Louise Belcourt
"Middle Cedar #9", 2003
gouache on paper
21" x 29"
Sarah Brenneman
"Mustache Tree", 2003-04
watercolor and ink on paper
55" x 54 1/4"