
No Name Exhibitions @ The Soap Factory

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No Name Exhibitions @ The Soap Factory is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to supporting and exhibiting the work of emerging visual artists; enhancing the public’s understanding of and appreciation for artistic expression; and fostering strength and vitality in the arts, cultural, and educational communities of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul.

No Name Exhibitions has been based since 1995 in the 41,000 sq ft Victorian Soap Factory on the banks of the Mississippi opposite downtown Minneapolis. Started by artists in 1989, it is the third largest contemporary art gallery in Minneapolis/St Paul, and the largest space dedicated to emergent visual arts in the Midwest. For details of our summer exhibition season see our website; “Your Heart is No Match For Your Love”, a examination of the pangs and pains of falling in love runs May 8 through June 20.

For the Stray Show 2004 No Name Exhibitions is presenting “Postcard”, an video installation by Kevin Wilcoxson that will simultaneously be exhibited in Chicago and at The Soap Factory, Minneapolis. Applying basic cinematic
strategies to daily working routines, an empty auditorium is transformed and becomes the setting for an oblique narrative. The installation maintains a sense of humor while at the same time questioning the experiential relationship between the viewer and that of the art work.    


Ben Heywood, Executive Director
No Name Exhibitions @ The Soap Factory
PO Box 581626
Minneapolis, MN 55458
(001) 612 623 9176




The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, interior



The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, exterior



Kevin Wilcoxson
“Postcard”, video still


©2004 TBA